Rejuvenates, removes excess oil and relieves irritated scalp
A unique natural Dead Sea Mud rich with most curative minerals combined carefully with the well-known natural antiseptic botanical Tea Tree Oil, acting together to relieve scalp of impurities, eliminate excessive oils and to enhance oxygen consumption for further proliferation and eventually removing dandruff.Scalp mud combination brings general relief from hair loss, itching sensations, acute psoriases, to reveal more healthy and tightened scalp, thereby preventing the weakening of hair follicles.
Clean your scalp skin perfectly using Rivage Nourishing Shampoo. Apply an enough amount of Scalp Care Dead Sea Mud: keep for 15-20 min to obtain maximum benefit. Scrub the scalp gently, and then rinse perfectly using warm water along with Rivage Shampoo. Repeat above process once a week to maintain healthy scalp.
Dead Sea Mud
Dead Sea Mud – This miraculous mud provides numerous benefits - some of which stem from the wealth of minerals it contains, and others stem from the cleansing and exfoliating properties of the mud. Dead Sea Mud hydrates and moistures your skin while fine mud granules can slough away dead skin cells to reveal fresh, glowing skin beneath. By....
Tea Tree
Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alterifolia) – this potent antimicrobial oil is often used to treat acne, burns, inflammation and fungal infections. Tea tree oil can open clogged pores and kill bacteria, while its antioxidant effect reduces free radicals while encouraging the production of collagen. Tea tree oil can also reduce allergic skin reactions.....